Kafka on the Shore
Personal Project
CHANNELS – Illustration, Design, Editorial
PROGRAMS/MATERIALS – Graphite, Procreate
"Kafka on the Shore" is a book by Haruki Murakami, a renowned author known for his surreal and descriptive fiction work. The book tells the stories of the young Kafka Tamura, a bookish 15-year-old boy who runs away from his Oedipal curse, and Satoru Nakata, an old, disabled man with the uncanny ability to talk to cats. The book incorporates themes of music as a communicative conduit, metaphysics, dreams, fate, the subconscious.

I began with selecting passages from the book that intrigued me. Through the passage, I sketched out a depiction of the selected scene. I used procreate to render the image. I did this multiple times until I came across a scene in Chapter 2 called "The Rice Bowl Incident". I enjoyed the informal subdivision created by the stacked characters and saw an opportunity to insert text into the picture. 

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