Kenya Hara Retrospective
Class Assignment / GD 200
CHANNELS – Graphic Design, Publication Design Typography
Create an imaginary designer foundation’s (art foundation or gallery) exhibition poster — for assigned "Graphic Designer” hypothetical exhibition in the venue (gallery).
After being assigned our artist, we were tasked with creating a mood board and conducting research on our artist. This included learning about their design methodology and reading their history. In my case, I took a look at Hara's "Designing Design" book, which provided insight on the values and goals when constructing his projects. 
I made some quick thumbnails that involved organic shapes with a column based type structure. I liked the contrast between the fluidity of the shape with the rigidity of the information. My color palette was an easy choice: white. Kenya Hara core principle in his design is the power of emptiness. He attributes white as a symbol to Japanese culture and tradition. 

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